Managing Time

Live Online (VILT) & Classroom Corporate Training Course

Discover the art of effective time management and learn strategies to boost productivity and achieve a healthy work-life balance in our Managing Time course.
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How can we help you?

  • CloudLabs
  • Projects
  • Assignments
  • 24x7 Support
    24x7 Support
  • Lifetime Access
    Lifetime Access


The Managing Time course is designed to equip individuals with the essential skills and techniques needed to effectively manage their time in both personal and professional contexts. Participants will learn how to prioritize tasks, set realistic goals, improve productivity, overcome procrastination, and achieve a better work-life balance. Through practical strategies and time management tools, individuals will enhance their efficiency, reduce stress, and optimize their use of time.



At the end of Applying Professional Managing Time course, participants will be able to

  • Understand the importance of time management and its impact on personal and professional success.
  • Learn techniques for prioritizing tasks and activities effectively.
  • Develop skills to set realistic goals and create actionable plans.
  • Identify and overcome common time-wasting habits and distractions.
  • Acquire strategies to improve focus, concentration, and productivity.


  • There are no specific prerequisites for this course.
  • Open to individuals at all levels seeking to enhance their time management skills.

Course Outline

  • Understanding the significance of effective time management
  • Identifying common time management challenges
  • Assessing personal time management habits and patterns

  • Defining SMART goals
  • Prioritizing tasks based on importance and urgency
  • Creating a task management system

  • Understanding the causes and consequences of procrastination
  • Applying strategies to overcome procrastination and increase motivation
  • Utilizing time-blocking techniques

  • Developing a daily, weekly, and monthly planning routine
  • Utilizing time management tools and technology
  • Implementing strategies to minimize distractions

  • Strategies for effective delegation and time allocation
  • Handling interruptions and managing unexpected tasks
  • Optimizing meetings and email management

  • Recognizing the importance of work-life balance
  • Setting boundaries and managing commitments
  • Strategies for self-care and stress management
